Though building website your self is great because it saves money they do not always convert internet traffic. Why is that? Well, our designers have years of experience developing graphical strategies that are used to take a internet surfer to emailing, calling, or directly getting directions to your store. Do we guarantee our design to convert. There are NO guarantees with the internet because there is no direction interaction with the customer while they are surfing the web. We do however make a customized website that has high graphic relevance that should show your business better than the competitors in your local area. Please remember that the average consumer will compare your website to at least 3-4 other competitors in your area before making that first call.
Yes, we will submit your business with up to 3-4 categories and up to 20 keywords to our data partners. Depending on how many categories and keywords they allow to be tied to a listing, will depend on how your listing is shown in there directory search results.
Data providers like true business addresses. We suggest that you utilize a physical address and not a UPS box or USPS post office box.
Local listing directories are all based on your geographic area. There are cases where low competition online will allow a business to have their listing show up in other towns.
By utilizing our local reputation management system you will be able to identify where to insert positive reviews which in turn will generate the negative reviews to be pushed to the bottom. Google now offers you the ability to communicate with the review poster online by logging into your Google Places account.
Click here to see a complete directory listing.
Pricing varies by number of locations and service type you need.
Your submissions will begin on the date the information and payment has been submitted to us. Once we have this information we will begin pushing data to various search engines and directories. Each directory operates independently of each other which results in a difference of when data begins showing in the directory. Each directory will perform a build or refresh of their directory on various intervals. We cannot control this, however, we do see visibility trends begin to show online within 12 weeks. Google specifically in their guidelines will state it takes 4 weeks for consideration into their directory after you are verified with them.
Many national chains have an on-staff SEO/SEM team to ensure their company information is being found across the web. Our solution provides many of the benefits of this service at a fraction of the cost. This also allows for 1 call to be made on any questions regarding the listing, rather than contacting many directories.
No, the tracking number would be tied to a third party and not the merchant themselves; therefore the integrity of the listings would be affected. We also do not accept profile URLs hosted by a third-party site if the business has its own URL.
We can report on a business without knowing the heading / category, but reporting will be more valuable if the category is taken into account. We ask that that reseller-program or merchant supply that information if not already present.
Though we do NOT own the directories that we are sighting information on behalf of the end user, the end user should take note, that on day 1 of the subscription for the LRM package, Green eSolutions, will begin submission of the data. Some sites will update more frequently than others, however it may take up to 12 weeks to see a major increase in visibility online or an adjustment in the reporting. Google, for example states they will accept you into their directory with a potential 4 week review period, after the date of verification.
In the majority of cases, the destination site wants merchant data and values it more highly than other sources, ensuring that the data we submit will take priority. If, however, our data does get overwritten, this will be detected the next time we produce a report on the business and action will be taken to correct the problem. The end user should keep in mind that most directories such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc?. compare and contrast data, and publish what they feel to be the most verified information. After time of having your data migrated across the net, the business listing will be more privy to having their information consistent.
We create an account on behalf of the merchant at each site. More than 90% of sites permit verification by email. In those cases, we complete the verification process ourselves. In a few cases that happen to be very important, such as Google Maps, verification can only take place via a postcard or phone call. Our preferred method is to guide the merchant through phone verification when email verification is not available. End user should take note that in some cases Google will only allow for a postcard to be used for verification.
Yes, we send a monthly email to the merchant showing where profile data has been submitted if the merchant is a Platinum subscriber.
Our detailed analysis of the subscriber?s online presence helps us target those sites that offer the greatest opportunity to boost the subscriber?s visibility. Over time, this syndication effort is rewarded by a steady increase in the merchant?s score, which drives traffic to the merchant?s website and storefront.
We ask subscribers to fill out a detailed business profile including basic contact information, web address, list of local-product-designs and services, business description, and other elements. Using the information in this profile, we visit local search sites with business directories and create, enhance, or fix listings for the business.
Syndication is the process of claiming merchant listings and creating accounts across multiple online destinations, for the purpose of increasing the merchant?s online presence and pushing out a consistent message about the business to all the places where customers are looking.
We think site rankings should be directly relevant to the merchant?s category and location, so we don?t just rely on nationwide rankings (though we do use them as a reference). The primary method for determining rankings is to search by business category and city across four search engines and group the results by site category: internet yellow pages, regional directories, social networking, etc. Using this method, we can determine the most relevant social networking site for your category and city, the most relevant internet yellow pages site, and so on.
Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask.
The merchant?s score will increase gradually over time as a result of syndication activity. Within that context, scores will fluctuate naturally due to the dynamic nature of online search rankings and the emergence and disappearance of sites that publish business information.
The score is a value from 0 to 100 that represents the presence of accurate and complete listings data as well as user generated content across internet yellow pages, local search, social networking, regional and vertical sites. The score is a summary result based on multiple data points. The relative rank and score of sites in the report help us to determine where the merchant will receive the most benefit from syndication.
There are no long term commitments for use of our services. We require a minimum of 4 months of service. We feel in 4 months we should have proven enough visibility to allow for us to become an added value for your online marketing needs. Sign up for a full year and reap a 10% savings.
There are no long term commitments for use of our services. We require a minimum of 4 months of service. We feel in 4 months we should have proven enough visibility to allow for us to become an added value for your online marketing needs. Sign up for a full year and reap a 10% savings.
If you are interested in signing up for one of our packages then all you need to do is simply 1-888-666-0231 and one of our executives will capture the pertinent information we need to begin. You can also email our firm at our contact page, and one of our staff members will be in contact with you.
No, you don’t need a website to utilize our internet advertising. You need a business name, local phone number, local address or geographical location, using a US Postal Service recognized street/city/state/zip. 63% of local purchases begin with online research. 41% make a phone call to make sure what they want is available. As long as you have a business phone, you can take advantage of this internet trend. Though you don?t need a website, we do feel this is an added tool for converting internet surfers to your business. You can view examples of our website design by clicking here.
Yes, they do. And if you have the time to enter your business information correctly, consistent, and completely 90+ times, you might get the same quality results we have managed to offer. However, our cost per search engine/directory is less than $15 per directory. This information is carefully compiled and submitted into each directory to ensure you will be found for each of the brand names, goods and services you offer in your area. Yellow Pages listings ?alone? for this type of service will cost over $100 a month. We include Yellow Pages and over 90 more in our introductory enhanced package.
Local Reputation Management is a service that works on behalf of the local business, scouring the web to find search engine results, sponsored listings, user reviews, ratings, blog, Facebook, and Twitter posts, newspaper articles ? just about any reference to the business online. The information we find is gathered into a report that offers a comprehensive view of the reputation and presence of the business. Based on the results of the report, we take action to create, improve, or fix online business listings as needed. Over time, Local Reputation Management reports capture new user activity and improvements in business listings.
Yes, we include submission into mobile apps and mobile devices through a partnerships with various online directories.
When subscribed to our preferred platinum package we will provide email notification when new listings are updated.
Yes, this program will help with your company?s SEO. Will it guarantee you page 1 results in the natural selection, NO. See Q&A question 1.
We DO NOT own Google; therefore we cannot guarantee the listing will be on the front of Google. We can however guarantee you that after our submissions run there course we will deliver your business more visibility. We can also tell you that Google likes verified listings, cited proper business listings, and reviews. SAC can help with this by:
- Verifying your business in a complete fashion.
- Listing your business across the internet with all the same information
- Utilize the SAC Rep tool to funnel positive leads to your social media accounts